20 Vacancies Open at Tanzania Airport Authority (TAA)

20 Vacancies Open at Tanzania Airport Authority (TAA)

Welcome to our website kibweta.com, In this article, are you looking for 20 Vacancies Open at TAA Job Opportunities? On behalf of the Tanzania Airport Authority (TAA), the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat invites dynamics and suitable qualified Tanzanians to fill twenty (20) vacant posts mentioned below.

Nafasi za Kazi Ajira Portal

Tanzania Airport Authority (TAA)

A government agency called the Tanzania Airport Authority (TAA) was created to run, oversee, maintain, and expand government-owned airports using a management approach focused on business.

Open Position and Description

1. Aircraft Marshaller II, 10 Posts


  • To marshal the aircraft, make sure that the pilot receives indications from the engines when they are ready to start, and make sure that FOD, people, and equipment are not in the hazard regions surrounding the engines;
  • To set up and guarantee the appropriate distribution of aircraft parking spaces according to their size and type, as well as to provide the right parking arrangements for VIP flights;
  • To observe, manage, and guide the towing and push-back operations while maintaining visual contact with the tug operator, cockpit, and wing/tail walkers in order to assume responsibility for apron operations;


  • Possessing a diploma from an accredited institution in one of the following areas: business administration, statistics, or commerce with a focus on finance, accounting, or banking, or an equivalent degree, and having computer skills. The Apron Management course must have been taken by the applicant.

2. Assistant Customer Service Officer II, 10 Posts


  • To determine the demands of customers;
  • To communicate with passengers at the airport in order to answer their questions and offer instructions;
  • To produce daily, weekly, monthly, and annual reports and to coordinate customer service issues with other departments;


  • Possessing a diploma from an accredited college in customer service, business administration (with a marketing concentration), marketing, mass communication, international relations, sociology, or a related field.

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Application Process

All applications must be submitted through the Recruitment Portal at https://portal.ajira.go.tz/ for any new positions that PSRS may have, and in no other manner. (You can also get this address by clicking the “Recruitment Portal” link on the PSRS website.)

Deadline for application is 12th Desemba, 2024;

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