2 Vacancies Open at THPS

2 Vacancies Open at THPS

Welcome to our website kibweta.com, In this article, are you looking for 9 vacancies open at Barrick job opportunities? Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS) is an indigenous NGO established under nongovernmental organization Act No. 24 of 2002 in 2011. THPS works in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Community Development, Gender Elderly, and Special Groups; Regional Administration and Local Governments (PORALG); Ministry of Health in Zanzibar; and Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) with the goal of ensuring accessible high-quality health care and social welfare services to all Tanzanians through the strengthening of health and community systems.

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To fill the following jobs, THPS is looking for talented, dynamic, experienced, and capable people.

Open Positions and Description

1. Clinical Advisor

Overall job overview: To offer health care providers (HCPs) technical assistance in delivering high-quality, multidisciplinary, family-focused HIV prevention and treatment services at facilities that are supported in the Shinyanga and Tanga areas.

Specific roles and responsibilities:

  • To provide HCPs and supported cadres with ongoing medical education and training on client-centered comprehensive HIV services in order to manage the pandemic, as well as supportive supervision and on-the-job training.
  • Help HFs in the designated districts carry out program activities that meet goals for HIV prevention, treatment, adherence, and retention to ART, TB/HIV collaborative activities, HTS, PMTCT, Laboratory, CECAP, and GBV (also DREAMS and VMMC in the Shinyanga region) under the direction of district managers.
  • In order to keep important and vulnerable groups of people living with HIV in community settings, assist health clinicians and community teams in implementing evidence-based innovations.
  • For appropriate HIV viral load monitoring, make sure PLHIV-efficient HVL and TB samples are transferred and results are documented.
  • Assist the designated districts’ pediatric clients on ART with pediatric optimization.

Required Skills, Knowledge, & Experience:

  • A medical degree is required.
  • A Master’s degree (MPH or its equivalent) will provide candidates with a distinct edge.
  • Five years or more of experience implementing donor-funded HIV Care, Treatment, and Support programs in Tanzania.
  • Knowledge of Tanzania’s health care systems at the national, regional, district, and facility levels.
  • Expertise collaborating with NGOs and local government partners (R/CHMTS).
  • the capacity to interact politely and successfully with a variety of government agencies, non-governmental organizations, religious institutions, and the commercial sector.
  • Demonstrated ability to work well with others and as a team player.
  • The capacity to work alone and possess excellent problem-solving abilities.
  • Fluency in English and Swahili
  • Understanding of computers.

Read also: 9 Vacancies Open at Barrick

Application Process

Please apply through: https://erp.thps.or.tz/jobs

Closing date: December 5, 2024. Contact will only be made to those who have been shortlisted.

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