Welcome to our website, kibweta.com. In this article, are you looking for TUDARCo Online Application 2025-26 Admission requirement programs offered student portal Joining Instruction pdf, prospectus.
The university has made every effort to ensure that the details in this prospectus on the organization of various courses, staffing levels, and teaching facilities are correct and current. However, students are cautioned that the university cannot guarantee that all of the elective courses listed in this prospectus will be offered in any given academic year due to logistical constraints.
TUDARCo Programmes Offered
Overall, TUDARCo presently provides eighteen (18) academic programs: seven (7) bachelor’s degree programs, four (4) diploma programs, three (3) master’s degree programs, one (1) postgraduate diploma, and three (3) certificate programs.
Degree and Non-degree Programmes:
- Certificate in Law (CL)
- Certificate in Accountancy and Business Administration (CABA)
- Certificate in Records Management (CRM)
- Diploma in Law (DL)
- Diploma in Business Administration and Management (DBAM)
- Diploma in Intercultural Relation (DIR)
- Diploma in Journalism (DJo)
- Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (BMC)
- Bachelor of Laws—Morning Session (LLB)
- Bachelor of Laws—Evening Session (LLBE)
- Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Studies (BALIS)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
- Bachelor of Information Management (BIM)
- Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED)
- Bachelor of Human Resources Management (BHRM)
Admission Requirements
Applications for admission must be submitted online by all candidates at osim.tudarco.ac.tz. Applications should only be submitted by candidates who fulfill the TCU minimal entry requirements. Applications that don’t fit the requirements for entry will not be considered, and any money paid for admission will be lost.
Giving false information when applying for admission is illegal. Applicants will not be evaluated and will face appropriate legal action if it is found that they provided fake certificates or any other misleading information. Students at universities are advised not to try to apply for admission. Such students risk being de-registered if they submit their applications. Similarly, past students who have already received their degrees are not eligible to enroll as undergraduates under government loan sponsorship.
- Every year, in October or November, new students are admitted.
- The orientation program, which typically takes place during the 16th week before the start of the new school year, is mandatory for all new students.
- Only after they have paid the required college fees will successful applicants be registered.
- No student will be permitted to switch courses after the Friday of the fourth week following the start of the first semester, unless there are special reasons. According to TCU, a student may only transfer between academic programs if they meet the prerequisites for admission to the program for which they are applying and there is a vacancy in that program.
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General Admission Requirements
Within each of its four schools, TUDARCo presently provides seven (7) full-time bachelor’s degree programs that last six semesters, or three years.
The following prerequisites must be met in order to be admitted to bachelor’s degree programs:
Scheme for Direct Entry (Form VI): Candidates must have earned the following in order to be eligible for direct admission to a degree program:
- A minimum of three (3) passes at the credit level in authorized courses from the Certificate of Secondary Education (‘O’ level); and
- 4.0 or more points overall, with at least two (2) passes in authorized courses at the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education level (or “A” level).
Equivalent Entry Qualifications: An candidate must have earned the following in order to be eligible for comparable admission to a degree program:
- At least four (4) passes in the Certificate of Secondary Education’s authorized subjects (at the “O” level);
- A degree from an accredited educational institution with a minimum 3.0 GPA in a subject related to the program for which the applicant is applying.
To view the TUDARCo Prospectus 2025 PDF, click here.