SAUT Online Application 2025-26 Admission

SAUT Online Application 2025-26 Admission

Welcome to our website, In this article, are you looking for SAUT Online Application 2025-26? Admission requirement programs offered student portal Joining Instruction pdf. Applicants are directed to do their applications online for both postgraduate degrees, undergraduate degrees, and non-degree programs directly to the university through our website,

Nafasi za Kazi Ajira Portal

For additional information about the programs, including the prerequisites for admission to St. Augustine University of Tanzania, applicants for undergraduate degree programs are strongly encouraged to first check the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) Students Guidebook.

It is recommended that applicants for undergraduate non-degree programs (certificates and diplomas) review our website and other informational resources, such as brochures, regarding the necessary admission requirements for the programs.

Non-degree programs accept applications from June to September, bachelor’s degree programs accept applications from August to October, and postgraduate programs accept applications from February to November of the year of admission.

Applications for the NBAA/NBMM or PSPTB Exam review courses must be sent to the appropriate departments at least three months prior to the start of the courses in September or January.

As specified in the University/TCU Almanac and joining instructions, all new students must show up for the registration process. The second week of registration is when the new student orientation program will take place.

Before traveling to Tanzania, international students are expected to complete all immigration requirements in their home countries. When they arrive, they must also pick up a residence permit from the Tanzanian Embassy or High Commission that is closest to them. As soon as feasible, this should be completed. It is advised that one have their documents and proof from SAUT on hand when visiting Tanzania in order to verify that they have been granted entrance. Additionally, one should carry financial support details in case the immigration authorities request them at the port of entry.

Entry Requirements for Admission

minimal entry standards for admission to higher education institutions: TCU and NACTE have established the following SAUT minimal entry requirements for admission to HEIs:

  • The minimal entry requirement for Form Six applicants who finished their A-Level coursework before to 2014 is two principal passes with a total score of 4.0 points;
  • The minimum entry requirement for Form Six applicants who finished their A-Level coursework between 2014 and 2015 is two principal passes (two C’s) with a total score of 4.0 points;
  • The minimum admittance requirement for Form Six applicants who finished their A-Level coursework in 2016 is two principal passes with a total score of 4.0 points;

Read also: TUDARCo Online Application 2025

Registration Information

  • If the necessary fees are not paid, no student will be permitted to register or attend classes. The necessary costs can be paid in four installments or in whole at the start of the school year.
  • If a student withdraws or leaves the university after registering, they will not receive their money back.
  • Fifty percent of fees may be reimbursed if a student obtains prior authorization from the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to withdraw or to be absent from the university, as long as the written request is made within the first two weeks of the semester or academic year.

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